As part of our working partnership with Studentenwerke (STW), the TUCO Academy is supporting the facilitation for TUCO members attendance at the joint European Student Services Conference with Crous which takes place from the 26th to the 28th of June at the University of Caen, Normandie.



This conference on Student Services will be themed on "Accompanying and supporting students on their path to success" in higher education in Europe. The conference is preceded with a food safari led by TUCO in Caen and looking at local and global food trends. (The conference sessions and discussions are translated in to English, German and French.)

Who is this for?

This event is for thought leaders, decision makers, and policy visionaries from food service operations and student services in the TUCO membership, who would like to discuss student wellbeing provision and support in the current environment of rising costs and lack of funding, to network internationally, and to learn about new innovations for the management level of student services institutions and higher education institutions alike. 

Please email Sarah Mcloughlin to make an Expression of Interest [email protected] (and you will be notified when the bookings go live.)

Why should I take part?

As well as discovering how student services are tackling positive support for students in on the continent you will be able to meet peers from the TUCO membership and several European countries. There is a full programme of sessions over the three days and all lectures and discussions will be interpreted simultaneously or consecutively. Language mediation during the accompanying programme will be provided. The Conference includes networking social dinners in the evening.

The cultural programme includes a reception at "Les écuries de Blosseville" near Deauville, and the Abbaye-aux-hommes (Town hall) as well as a chance to eat at the French University restaurant for students. It also includes the chance to taste some local produce, Calvados and Normandie cider.) 

Bursary places

There are 2 bursary places available free of charge and the TUCO Academy will be accepting applications up to the closing date of the 16th of May 2024 through the following form: Bursary Application Form Please do not use the booking form button on the right.

How will it help me?

During the event, you will benefit from presentations, panel discussions and workshops on:

  • Transformation of Student Services in Crises (including thoughts from student representatives)
  • Management of strategy, human resources, communication
  • Transformation in dining services, student housing and counselling and mental health services
  • Student health and wellbeing

A strong emphasis has been placed on networking and exchanging experiences in respective student services fields between attendees - participants are encouraged to prepare a 1 minute elevator pitch: Who am I? What am I looking for? How can we co-operate?

What’s included?

  • Transport to Caen and the Conference 
  • Overnight accommodation during your stay
  • All visits including entry to the Conference
  • Food and drink each day

What’s not included?

Anything not listed on the itinerary including, but not limited to:

  • Additional drinks, room service, etc. 

Provisional Itinerary:

Tuesday 25th June

Travel to Caen

Food Study Tour and evening meal

Wednesday 26th June

Breakfast at the University Campus or the Lébisey University restaurant

Lunch at the Campus University restaurant

13:30 – 14:30 : Opening of the conference

14:30 – 16:30 : The student public : changing needs in France and Germany

16:30 : Walk along the "board" of Deauville beach, visit to the Père Magloire Calvados distillery and evening meal at "Les écuries de Blosseville" near Deauville, this includes tasting of Normandy products (cider – local spirits – Normandy appetisers....)

Thursday 27th June

Breakfast at the University Campus or the Lébisey University restaurant

9:00 – 10:00 : The work of the Franco-German Youth Office

10:00 – 12:00 : Student support schemes French, German and international examples

Lunch at the Campus University restaurant

14:00 – 17:00 : Housing, a social space

19:00 : Reception at the Abbaye-aux-hommes (Town hall) followed by a celebratory meal at the Lébisey university restaurant

Friday 28th June

9:00 – 11:30 : Student health and well-being studies and experience sharing

11:30 – 12:30 : Summary and closing session

Lunch at the Campus University restaurant

(Optional historical tour of Caen)

Return travel to the UK

Final itineraries will be uploaded to your Dashboard approx. 1 week prior to the event commencement.




University of Caen, France


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